How i fix and remove shotcut virus on my files and documents

Watching your important documents and files corrupted and infected with shotcuts virus in a flash drive, hard drive, memory card etc is some thing many of us would not want to experience.most at times, when i go to a business center to do some work, i would either end up not completing the job because of the documents or files being corrupted and infected with shotcut virus which changes the files to shotcut that has the arrow icon like that being displayed on your this case, when i tried to open the files, it won't open or it will say corrupted.well, if you are having this problem, here is a post on how i fixed shotcut virus that affected my documents and files inside flash drive, hard disk. when you noticed the shotcut virus on your flash drive or external hard drive,you will see an arrow icon on the document, file, folder. in a situation like this, do not scan with antivirus software like avira, avast, eset, kapasky because they may see it as virus and deleted it.all you need is an antivirus software that will see it as virus but also have the features to fix/repair of the best i have used which is working perfectly well for this purpose is smadav antivirus. i never though this would work because it is the free version but to my supprised, it repairs and fixed the shotcut virus and the files and documents was opening perfectly well. How to use smadav antivirus to fix shotcut virus on your flash drive or hard disk ==> visit this site and download smadav antivirus ==> install it and restart your computer. now insert the affected flash drive or hard disk, the software will scan it and ask you to fix the fix button. smadav antivirus also act like USB disk security that scan any USB device you plug to the computer ==> it will open a window after tick the list of files you wish to fix or you can just click on fix all button, it will do it's job and lastly bring out another window, still click fix button and you are done. ==> open the affected file, you will see the magic.the corrupted files will be up and running.i have not done a scan on my pc using this software since my system is not affected, so i only tried it on my flash drive.if you are having the shortcut virus on your computer or laptop pc, you can try using smadav antivirus to scan it and see if it would fix it.that's tell me how did you fixed the shortcut virus on you computer or flash drive
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