MTN GOODY BAG SOCIAL BUNDLE is no doubt a new innovative idea from MTN to make their customers smile as they can facebook,tweet, eskimi on the go for a month at an affordable rate.MTN Nigeria has introduced a package called MTN GOODY BAG SOCIAL BUNDLE. with this package, you can Share more, Chat more and follow friends on Twitter, Facebook or Eskimi at unbeatable data rates with the new MTN GoodyBag Social Bundle for as low as N60 for a whole month . how to subscribe to MTN GOODY BAG SOCIAL BUNDLE ==> for Facebook Weekly N25 TEXT FBW TO 131 ==> Facebook Monthly N60 TEXT FBM TO 131 ==> Twitter Weekly N25 TEXT TWTW TO 131 Twitter Monthly N60 TEXT TWTM TO 131 ==> for Eskimi Weekly N25 TEXT ESKW TO 131 Eskimi Monthly N60 TEXT ESKM TO 131 Or dial *662# to select your preferred GoodyBag Bundle. 5MB weekly & 15MB monthly fair usage policy applies.that's all.ENJOY.
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